
Coppice primary school nursery
Coppice primary school nursery

coppice primary school nursery

Additional physical, social and health benefits.Enables a practical element to their learning.Allows children to become more confident in the natural environment.(Coed Day 2-11) The Coppice School Abbots Way, Westlands, NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME. Helps children to understand, appreciate and care for the natural environment. The Fountains Primary School Bitham Lane, Stretton, BURTON UPON TRENT.Opportunities to take risks, make choices and initiate learning for themselves.What are the benefits for the children attending Forest School sessions? It is an ideal environment in which to develop innovation, problem solving, risk taking, creativity and teamwork.Forest School embraces an approach of nurturing, supporting and developing the self-esteem of everyone involved in this approach to learning.Children enjoy the freedom to explore and experience the natural world in all seasons and in all weathers.Forest School is an inspirational concept providing learning opportunities through practical activities in an outdoor environment.Year 6 have enjoyed the Autumn Term outside alongside Reception Class, they have even worked together! Children across the school get the opportunity to develop a range of skills during the class sessions. We have a purpose built fire pit and seating area at our on-site forest school's area. The school met the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress at the end of Year 6.Miss Harrison is our qualified Forest Schools Leader. The headteacher took over the running of the school in September 2015. The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school works with The Cube, a specialist support centre based at Cranbrook Primary School, to provide particular support for pupils with specific behavioural needs. The school runs a breakfast club and after-school clubs. The school provides full-time provision for 91 children in the early years, and 31 currently attend part time. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for additional funding through the pupil premium is well above the national average. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs is high, but the proportion who have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is below average. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups is high, as is the proportion who speak English as an additional language. Information about this school The school is much larger than the average primary school. The support and care of pupils is of good quality overall. marine life friends in this fact-filled pre-school activity book.

coppice primary school nursery

However, they are not challenged to extend themselves consistently or rigorously enough. I have to pass a small coppice at the side of the road that. The most able and most able disadvantaged pupils make good progress. However, outcomes were below average in reading and mathematics. Provisional test results show that pupils achieved above-average standards in writing in 2016. Pupils in key stages 1 and 2 make good progress. Well-planned activities and an excellent outdoor environment contribute to children consistently making better progress each year. Good manners and respect for others underpin pupils' relationships within this diverse school. This will be from 0830 - 1430 each day, there will also be a limited number of part time spaces.


Pupils' personal development, their behaviour and safety are good. The nursery at Coppice Primary School will be offering a full time provision (30 hours) for children aged 3 and over from September 2023.

coppice primary school nursery

This enables them to challenge and hold leaders to account for pupils' achievement. They use several approaches to check and confirm the school's effectiveness. These help them to evaluate the school's work and take action quickly to improve its effectiveness. Senior leaders use a range of effective systems to monitor teaching, learning and assessment. These strengths have been maintained against high staff t. Team planning and attention to the needs of pupils contribute to pupils making good progress. Together, they have re-shaped this vision for pupils to 'aspire, achieve' and 'believe' that they can do well. The headteacher has the very able support of the senior and middle leaders, who have a very good understanding of the school's vison. This has been possible because teachers and pupils are expected to 'achieve in every way'. Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is a good school The strong leadership of the new headteacher ensures that all staff constantly maintain their focus on pupils achieving well. Coppice Primary School, Manford Way, Chigwell, IG7 4AL

Coppice primary school nursery